Special assistance

How to make your journey easy

Requesting Assistance

Getting to the airport
Getting to the Airport
By Bus, Train or Taxi
Travelling to Glasgow Airport by bus is easy as there are several services connecting with Glasgow city centre, other local destinations and beyond. Many have low floors and are easily accessible for wheelchair users. There are dedicated Help Points at the bus and coach stands and these are listed above.
If booking a Glasgow Airport taxi and you can get dropped off right outside the Main Terminal building and all of these cars are wheelchair accessible. The taxi rank is immediately outside of the terminal and the driver can arrange any assistance required.
More information on buses taxis and trains can be found here.
By Car - dropping off
Glasgow Airport’s new dedicated pick-up and drop-off facility are located directly across from the main terminal. Drivers dropping people off should use this facility for quick transactions under 10-minutes only. If picking someone up please make sure the person has cleared immigration (if applicable), has collected any luggage and is ready to meet you. The facility has three zones – coded A, B, and C – to help you coordinate your pick-up. Please note zone C is suitable for all types of vehicles including coaches and mini-buses.
If you plan to enter the terminal with someone you are dropping off, or to meet a passenger arriving back in Glasgow, you should use Car Park 2.
You can view a map of our current road layout here. This includes the location of our Long-Stay Car Park, where drivers can also wait-free for up to 30 minutes. There is a free shuttle bus available to take passengers between the Long-Stay Car Park and the main terminal building. It operates every 10 to 15 minutes and takes approximately five minutes.
Picking up
There is a dedicated pickup area on the ground floor of Car Park 2 and there are marked blue badge spaces within this area. For details of charges click here.
Drivers with a blue badge should NOT use the pick-up and drop-off facility. Blue badge holders should use Car Park 2 opposite the terminal building, where they will be entitled to up to 30 minutes of free parking.
Blue badge spaces are available in our car parks as detailed below
- Car Park 2 has 10 spaces on the ground floor plus a help point
- All other floors have 12 spaces but no help points
- All floors have access to 4 accessible lifts
- Car Park 1 has 4 spaces on the ground floor of the multi-storey part. There is no call point. The nearest call point is in the area near the pelican crossing.
All blue badge holders are entitled to 30 minutes free parking by presenting their blue badge at the kiosk in any of our car parks.
For more information on car parking and charges click here.

Hidden Disability


Medicines, Equipment, Mobility and Allergies

Travelling with Mobility Aids or Assistance Animals

Changing places

Airport ambassadors
At Glasgow Airport, you’ll easily spot our team of friendly, roving Ambassadors who are on hand to answer any questions you may have about any aspect of your visit.
You can also get information on onwards ground transport options on our to and from website page.

Security screening
Our security staff are required under government legislation to carry out a hand-search whenever a passenger activates the archway metal detector alarm. If you are a wheelchair user, that’s likely to be the case. We recognise that it may be more suitable to have this search carried out away from the main search area, so please don’t hesitate to request this. Private search areas are located within the Central Search Area. If you have any questions or queries throughout the Security process, please do not hesitate to ask for one of our Security Supervisors.
For guidance on hand luggage restriction at the airport please click here.
For additional detailed guidance on certain items that can cause issues at airport security please read the following document (PDF)

PRM Consultation & Events
PRM Events 2019/20
PRM Consultation & Events
As part of our commitment to consult with local disability groups, we hold a variety of events throughout the year. Below is a list of activities we’ve conducted recently.
PRM Forum
Unfortunately, our rescheduled PRM Forum on 16th March 2020 has had to be cancelled at very short notice due to current world events. This has led to many people attending having to cancel due to work restrictions or for other personal reasons. We will reschedule later in the year when travel restrictions etc. have been relaxed. In the meantime, if anyone wishes any further info on the PRM service or requires help or advice please contact our service provider at GLA.PRMLeadership@OCS.co.uk
Healthy Working Week
On the week commencing 3rd of Feb we held our annual Glasgow Airport Health week and also invited the Stroke Association and Alzheimer Scotland to take part and provide information and support advice to both staff and members of the public. Following this we have made arrangements to meet again with the Stroke Association to update our staff awareness and training material.
Dementia Friends Workshops
On the 29th January we had the next of our planned series of Dementia Friends awareness sessions for all of our front line staff where we had around 70 more of our staff present and feedback has been great from our staff.
PRM Forum
Our planned PRM forum on the 17th January unfortunately had to be cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. Another date will be arranged in the near future as soon as possible if you wish to attend please contact us at GLA.PRMLeadership@OCS.co.uk
Ian Hamilton (BBC Scotland)
We met with Ian from the BBC to try to raise awareness of the PRM services available at GLA and the improvements that have been made, in particular the implementation of fully trackable IT system (Avtech Connect) and the improvements to performance made and the benefits of pre-booking correctly with your airline to ensure a smoother and quicker passenger experience.
We met again with Renfrewshire Access Panel on the 6 December and are aiming to provide some formal training for our Glasgow Airport Taxi drivers and Forecourt Ambassadors. We hope to roll this out in early 2020.
Alzheimer Scotland
On the 4th and 5th of December we held the first in a series of planned sessions with Alzheimer Scotland who are delivering Dementia Friends awareness and training sessions to our front line staff. The aim is to have Dementia Friends across every front line department.
We engaged with Prevalis on the 8th November as we are currently trialling a newer PRM transfer hoist which is currently under development and being rolled out for use. Feedback from the users has been very positive and the equipment seems suitable for a large range of aircraft types and sizes.
We met with Renfrewshire Access Panel on the 4th and 31st October to start preparation for our next PRM Forum. We were also engaging on design advice for new accessible toilets which are being constructed for our airside departures area.
OCS National awards
On the 2nd October, Jim Lobban, OCS Glasgow Airport skill trainer received the Fresh thinking Award in recognition for the work he does in connection with hidden disabilities at Glasgow Airport and in particular for the efforts in facilitating pre visits for passengers with autism. This is also recognised locally and Jim highly deserved the recognition nationally for the care and compassion and selfless drive in his efforts to improve the ability for others to travel.
Newcastle Airport Visit
On 18th of September we facilitated a visit with Newcastle International Airport to share best practice on the service provided to our passengers who use the Special Assistance service. Following this visit, Newcastle have kindly offered to reciprocate the visit and we will hopefully arrange this in the new year.
Parkinson’s Support Group
On Monday the 16th September we visited the Glasgow South Parkinson’s support group after receiving an invite from the group chair. We were invited to present on the service that was available to all at the airport and many were unaware of the hidden disability assistance available or that it could be individually tailored to the user. Feedback was very positive and we are also planning on updating our internal training following this and the work with Alzheimer Scotland when completed.
Aberdeen Visit
On the 16th August we visited Aberdeen to assess some assistance equipment to help in boarding process for Loganair. Having assessed to proposed equipment work is ongoing with the airline to introduce as soon as practical when they arrive.
PRM Open Forum
On the 30th of July we had our PRM open forum chaired by Renfrewshire Access Panel (RAP). The event was held in the airport Holiday Inn and attended by a wide range of local user groups and individuals, including Alzheimer Scotland, Ramble Tag and representative from Renfrewshire Council (Inequalities) who all gave a presentation on their work. We gave updates on the year to date performance and other ongoing work and improvements to the service. Some actions taken included arranging further Dementia training and to investigate “mystery shopper” type audit by a user group.
Glasgow City Council Autism Awareness
On the 25th of July we attended the first of two full day Autism Awareness training session run by Glasgow City Council. We sent representatives and trainers from every front line facing department over the course of two days including our PRM assistance provider, Security Team, Safety and First Aid Team, Airport Ambassadors, Taxi and Onward Travel Service and Customer Services management team who are now all recognised as being Autism champions within their respective area of the business.
EasyJet Customer Contact Centre visit
On the 26th June we facilitated a visit with EasyJet customer contact centre who wanted to gain a better understanding of the PRM booking process and assistance that is provided at airports in the UK. The aim was to help better equip them when dealing with a customer call by having a greater awareness from and operational point of view. This was beneficial on both sides and both gained a greater understanding of each other’s roles and needs.
Renfrewshire Access Panel
On the 10th May 2019 we met to again prep for our planned open forum and arrange invites etc. We also met to discuss and facilitate planned training for drivers of the Glasgow Airport taxis on correct assistance and carriage of PRM passengers.
Heathrow PRM Workshop
On the 2-3 May 2019 we attended a UK and Europe wide PRM event where the proposed changes to EC1107/2006 were discussed along with the current IATA guides and codes for passengers and the need for more meaningful information for PRM providers and challenges on the aviation industry to improve pre-notification and assistance provided to passengers. Others issues raised included training and ease of booking process as well as the need to improve the service for all.
AOA Joint industry PRM meeting
On the 23 April we attended the AOA PRM meeting and discussions took place around proposed UK passenger charter and specifically around the needs of PRM passengers. This is running in parallel to a similar CAA workstream and we took actions to ensure that the current Glasgow Airport Charter is still aligned with both.
Renfrewshire Access Panel
On the 5th April 2019 we again met with RAP to discuss the agenda and delegates for the Airport PRM forum to be held on the 30th July.
Renfrewshire Access Panel
On the 15th March 2019 we met with Renfrewshire Access Panel to discuss outcomes and actions from the event on the 12th March and to plan the next Airport PRM forum in July 2019. We have also asked to set up a joint meeting with some other user groups and in the first instance have asked to meet with MS society and to meet with one of our local groups with hearing loss.
Disability Equality Scotland
On the 12th March 2019 we took part and presented on some of the recent work we have been doing with various disability groups and shared our current performance and feedback etc. with the users groups. Following this in the afternoon we facilitated group discussions with some local disability groups and have agreed to meet individually with some of the groups to share information on the services we offer.
Transport Scotland
On the 7th March we took part in the Transport Scotland accessible transport conference, a follow up from the event in Edinburgh in 2018. Transport Scotland has a 10 year plan to imbed their accessible travel framework across all modes of transport and we are working with them to help deliver this plan. Information was shared by a European Commission shared information that consultation is underway to review and update EC1107/2006 and publication expected by third quarter 2019.
Disability Equality Scotland
On the 25th of January 2019 we also met with D.E.S. who wanted our help and engagement to run a Renfrewshire accessible transport event which would bring together transport users and ourselves along with other transport providers e.g. buses and taxis. We shared our local contacts and assisted with suggesting local disability groups and agreed to take part in the event in March.
Transport Providers Accessibility Forum
On the 25th January 2019 we met again with other transport providers to progress and update actions from the larger accessible transport framework whose aim is to make transport more seamless for passengers with reduced mobility. Discussions included review of training for all staff and how we engage with user groups. Some good practice shared and following talks with First bus we aim to run a similar event which will allow staff to gain a better insight on the difficulties faced by some service user groups.
For previous consultations click below:
PRM Consultation 2018 (PDF)

PRM Services & Contact Us
Services for passengers

WiFi access
You can enjoy free wireless internet access via your laptop or handheld device at Glasgow Airport. For more information visit our dedicated WIFI page.

Mobile phone charging
Phones can be charged around the terminal at the different power points available. There are blue pillars in the departure lounge that signpost these area, which also have wireless charging facilities.
Additionally, many of our seats around the terminal have charging points between the seats.
There are two Internet desks located in the main check-in hall which can be used by passengers for a fee.

Unfortunately, we do not currently have any photobooths available at Glasgow Airport at this time.

Baggage weighing & wrapping
Did you know that you can weigh your luggage at the airport and avoid excess luggage costs?
You’ll find four weigh-ahead luggage systems – these are located in the main check-in hall and also in the check-in area of Terminal 2.
It costs just £1 to weigh a bag but if you are over your allowance, weigh-ahead offers a free reweigh. Foldaway Hand Luggage bags are available buy in order to transfer excess.
This is a great service for passengers who want to protect and secure their luggage from potential damage, bad weather conditions, and general wear and tear.
All you have to do is take your items to the Luggage-Point area located in the main check-in hall on the ground floor of the terminal building.
Bag Wrapping prices start at £13.50 for a standard sized suitcase. Unorthodox or larger items may be charged more.

While our left luggage service, handled by Luggage-Point in the main check in hall, may be perfect for your needs, our shipping service may be the perfect option for larger, bulky items.
We can also deliver any time sensitive, important shipments to countries and territories all over the world, and our wide range of shipping services means there is a cost-effective option for all of your requirements.
Items are shipped every weekday. Simply complete our simple form at the Luggage-Point service area.
Call Luggage Point on 0330 223 0893

Luggage storage & lost property
Arrived and can't find your bag?
We sincerely hope that your baggage arrives without any issues but sometimes passengers’ property does go astray.
Thankfully this is rare however if you find that your baggage has not arrived, please speak to a member of staff from the handling agent for your airline, they will be on hand to help you at the service desk in each facility. To contact the handling agent select your airline use the relevant contact details.
Lost property
From bracelets to books, wallets to glasses, Luggage-Point is committed to reuniting passengers with their sentimental or valued items thanks to our 24-hour online service.
You can search for your item on the database in real-time by using the online search facility:
Searches are based on multiple criteria (date range, keyword (i.e. iPhone) and where the item was lost). Luggage-Point endeavours to respond to all enquiries within 24 hours.
You can also call our dedicated team on 0330 223 0893 between 05:00 - 20:00 daily or send an email enquiry to glasgow@luggage-point.co.uk
While our luggage storage service, handled by Luggage-Point in the main check-in hall, may be perfect for your needs, our shipping service may be the perfect option for larger, bulky items.
We can also deliver any time-sensitive, important shipments to countries and territories all over the world, and our wide range of shipping services means there is a cost-effective option for all of your requirements.
Items are shipped at approximately 4 pm every day 365 days a year (excluding bank holidays and Christmas day). Simply complete our simple form at the Luggage Point service area.
Call Luggage Point on 0330 223 0893
Please follow the signs and make your way to baggage reclaim areas. This is after border control (UK Border Force) if you are arriving on an international flight.
Luggage storage
If you need to leave any bags, packages or suitcases at Glasgow Airport, we have a great service which allows you to leave items in a safe, secure storage area for up to 3 months.
Luggage storage is handled by Luggage-Point in the main check-in hall where friendly staff will help and advise, and issue all passengers leaving items with a receipt – don’t lose it as you will need it when you come to pick them up.
0 - 3 Hours
£9.50 per item
1 Day
£14.50 per item
Additional Day(s)
£12.50 per item
£60.00 per item
Oversized items will be charged at double the standard rate. Discount available for storage of 5+ items at a time. Ask a member of the Luggage-Point team for more details.
Call Luggage-Point on 0330 223 0893 to discuss our luggage storage services at Glasgow Airport.

A little preparation before you travel will really help you speed through the security screening process. Please check in advance what you can and cannot take in your hand luggage.
Have all your liquids sorted out before you leave for the airport and if you forget to put them in your 1-litre resealable plastic bag you can pick one up for FREE at the station before security.
Being prepared helps to speed up the process and allows you to relax and enjoy your journey or holiday.
Please note: According to CAA/DFT guidance Spicebomb by Viktor & Rolf will no longer be permitted through security until further notice.
Cabin baggage liquid restrictions (111KB PDF)

Security scanners
Security Scanners
In keeping in line with legislation and new technology, security (body) scanners were deployed across all security lanes in Glasgow from the 20th of December 2016.
Security scanners used at Glasgow are safe. The UK Government has concluded that the use of this equipment does not pose any risk to health. The scanning equipment does not produce X-RAYS, nor does it emit ionising radiation.
Our security scanners use millimetre waves. This technology uses radio waves at a power output many times lower than portable personal devices like mobile phones. The security-scanners can detect a wide range of potential threats to security in a matter of seconds and will be used alongside the airport’s existing security screening systems. No data images are stored.
Images look like this;
If you wish to “opt out” of the Security Scanner Enhanced Search - in Private is the only option available.
Information about security scanners at UK airports can be found on the Department for Transport website.
Security body scanners used at Glasgow Airport (195KB PDF)
Travelling with family

Family facilities
From the moment you arrive until the moment you board your flight, it’s our mission to help ensure a smooth start to your family holiday departing from Glasgow Airport. We offer a number of family-friendly facilities and services to help do just this.
We have baby changing stations at all our toilet facilities and there is a breastfeeding zone at gates 1-3.
We don’t have a dedicated facility at Glasgow Airport for heating up baby food but the cafes and restaurants can provide hot water to heat a bottle.

Breastfeeding Friendly Scotland Scheme
The airport has signed up to the national Breastfeeding Friendly Scotland (BFS) scheme, which is backed by the Scottish Government and managed by local NHS health boards.
The aim of the scheme is to help businesses understand their responsibilities and to ensure people who breastfeed know their rights.
Glasgow Airport is a breastfeeding-friendly business and supports the rights of anyone wishing to do so on our premises.
You can read more about the law around breastfeeding in the Breastfeeding etc. (Scotland) Act 2005 and Equality Act 2010.

Baby changing
If you are travelling with babies and very young children, you will need access to safe, clean baby changing areas and at Glasgow Airport, there are a number of facilities around the terminal for your convenience:
- in check-in hall opposite the escalator
- To the rear of the food court on the first floor
- T2 check-in hall
- After security, next to WHSmith Bookstore (under the Lomond Lounge)
- After security, behind the Beardmore Bar
- After security, across from the Tennant’s bar
- After security, besides the British Airways lounge
- After security, at gates 1-3, 4-5 and 10 -11
Additionally, there is a breastfeeding zone at gates 1-3.
Travelling for business

Business use
If you are a regular business passenger, we offer several WiFi options - more information is avalaible on our dedicated WiFi page.

Meeting rooms
Glasgow Airport Business Centre is adjacent to the main terminal building and offers excellent conference and rooms for hire. Facilities are modern and professional, and provide an ideal environment for hosting meetings or training sessions at Glasgow Airport plus interviews or presentations.
This convenient Glasgow Airport business centre offers a complete package which is flexible and offers varied catering menus to suit all tastes and budgets.
For further information download our brochure or contact:
Euan Keltie
Tel: 0141 847 5450
Money & payments

Cash machines
We currently have ATM facilities available in available in Domestic Arrivals, Departure lounge, International Baggage reclaim and International Arrivals. Here you'll be able to use most credit, debit, Maestro and American Express cards, so you can take out both euros and British pounds without a worry.

We currently have Travelex/Bureau operated by Travelex with the following opening times:
Domestic Arrivals:
Daily: 08:00 - 18:00
International Arrivals:
Daily: 09:00 - 15:30
Departures Lounge:
Daily: 04:00 - 18:00
Other services & facilities

Prayer room
Our Prayer Room is located on the first floor of our departures concourse in the Priority Security Corridor.
It provides a quiet restful place for passengers of all faiths and denominations and is open 24 hours a day.
There are two additional Prayer Areas, one located at the entrance to Gates 14 – 26 on the Central Pier and the second on the West Pier at Gate 30.
Our Airport Chaplain, Commissioner Chris Connelly, can be contacted at chris.connelly@glasgowairport.com

Smoking areas
If you smoke, you are permitted to do so only in our clearly signposted areas in the central island between the terminal and car park 2. Smoking is banned by law in enclosed public spaces in Scotland – this includes all terminal buildings at Glasgow Airport. There are no smoking facilities in the main terminal building and passengers cannot smoke when past security.
Individuals smoking outwith these areas are liable to receive a fixed penalty fine of £50.
Electronic cigarettes are also not permitted within the terminal buildings and past security.

Plane spotting
Who doesn’t like watching the planes take off and land? Children especially love doing this and at Glasgow Airport – after you’ve gone through security – they’ll get a fantastic view of the runways, taxiways and stands from our family-friendly restaurants or the main departure lounge.